Company*Project Title*Contact Name* Please enter your name Email* 2nd Contact Name* First 2nd Contact Name* Please enter a second contact nameObjective*A brief outline of what your video is for - i.e. Promotion/Training/Presentation/TV/FilmTarget Audience*Who will be watching your video? What sort of things appeal to them? Age range etc.Distribution* Web - i.e. YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, your webpage Digital - i.e. Quicktime .mov file DVD BluRay Broadcast Not sure/Other In what format would you need your video?Due Date* Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY When does this project need to be completed by? If you’re not sure, just leave it blank and we can discuss at a later stage. Content*Approximately how long will your video run for? If you’re unsure, leave it blank & we’ll discuss at a later stage.Where and when will filming take place?*Who & what is being filmed?*Do you have a script ready?*Yes, I doNop, I need help with thisDo you have media you would like to include in this project?* Yes, Videos Yes, Photos Yes, Music Nop Do you require professionally composed music for this project?*YesNoHow do you want your video to be narrated?*Professional Voiceover ArtistPresenter LeadNot sure/OtherWhat language does your video need to be in? (Tick all that apply)* Arabic English English with Arabic Subtitles Arabic with English Subtitles Not sure What style would you like your video? Have you seen something you like? Let us know.*Budget*This gives us an idea of what resources can be provided for the video. The options are endless, from one man with a camera to a full crew with helicopter shots & the costs vary accordingly. If you are unsure, leave it blank and we can discuss later on.OtherAnything else you feel we should know.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.